A Personal Message of Love Hope and Healing
I have to apologize to each of you for being absent over the past six months. My blogging trend has been to post a blog at least once a month. And over these past few months, I have not provided the content or the information necessary for my readers and followers. Sometimes life gets the best of us, and forces us to have to take a step back. Even though I run a design business, and I keep things strictly to the topic of design and remodeling in my blogs, I have been going through some very difficult and deeply personal things that have put me in a state of complete and total survival mode.
Over the past two and a half years I have been going through a very painful and difficult divorce. The decision to end my marriage was its own long and arduous experience. For several years, I had been struggling for a long time. Through a journey of self-discovery, intensive therapy and getting back to my core values, I made this difficult decision knowing that this journey would be long and hard. It wasn’t easy and it hasn’t been easy by any means. It has literally brought me to my knees, left me completely devastated and nearly broke and barely surviving.
Anyone who has gone through a similar life experience, of breaking up your family, of dividing everything you once shared, of dealing with the emotional and psychological toll, in the hopes of a better future, will tell you that it is one of the hardest things to go through. The decision to no longer be a victim is a powerful statement to myself and to all those who are currently going through or who find themselves in a similar situation. I was lucky because I had the support, and network of so many to help me.
My kids have been my main focus through all of this, and keeping my business afloat and on track with our projects has been a welcome distraction through everything. The steady support of my friends and family and those who know me have been my shining light through all of this. And my kids have become the most important thing to me as I navigate a new life as a single mom and business owner.
I am still going through the divorce process, but I am closer to the end and finally see a light at the end of the tunnel. This was in no way a slam dunk, or easy process. Making the decision to go through this has been nothing short of its own daunting experience. But my journey to self love and freedom and to walk in my own shoes and my own truth will always be one of my proudest accomplishments. I will refrain from the details and the why, because one day I want to serve other women and children, young families who have gone through similar experiences as mine. I want to help them and hopefully one day be able to share about my experience. But today, as I look back on my journey and this mountain I have climbed, I’ve realized that the person I have become while going through this is something I am immensley proud of and grateful for. But even more, I am grateful for everyone who have stood by my side, helped me when I was down, lifted my spirits when I needed, and guided me through some of my deepest, darkest days.
I promise our next blog post will be all about getting back to the business of Design and Remodeling. Stay tuned….
With Love,