5 Ways Home Design Will Forever Be Changed by Covid-19


5 Ways Home Design Will Forever Be Changed by Covid-19


COVID – 19 pandemic has an impact on almost every aspect of our lives. We are all experiencing the effects physically and psychologically. The highest consequence of the coronavirus pandemic is on our social lives.

As a result of the social distancing rule and restriction of movements, there have been several modifications in jobs, transportations, schools, religious and social gatherings. These changes may not disappear anytime soon, and things may never be the same again.

Home designs also felt the impact of COVID – 19. Designers are now coming up with modifications because of the lockdown protocols, the need for self-isolation and to shelter in place. Before the pandemic, home designs did not have these realities among their considerations.

Designs that have these considerations may manifest slowly. That is because people do not have the money to buy new homes or redesign old homes immediately. However, people have started embracing these changes.

Home design professionals and architects now have designs that can accommodate the effects of the COVID 19 pandemic. Below are 5 ways that home designs will forever change.

1.      The addition of purpose-built home offices

Although remote jobs and work-from-home is not new, houses did not have considerations and facilities for offices. Presently, home offices are makeshift, but newer ones will be purpose-built as against the stand-in offices.

With the lockdown and the increasing need to work from home, people now require home offices with similar functionality to traditional offices. Current home offices are a conversion of rooms in the main building. However, future ones will be a separate structure from the main house. That is because there are several distractions from family members who also occupy the same building.

New home offices will be fully equipped and exact replicas of the actual offices. Since more than one person in the family may be working from home, modern houses may have more than one home office.

2.      Embracing the closed floor plan

Presently, most houses have an open floor plan. That is because, before the COVID 19 pandemic, fewer members of the family may be present at home at the same time. But with the lockdown, online schooling, and work from home, almost everyone is at home. As a result, an open floor plan offers less privacy and several distractions.

There is a need for a closed floor plan to increase productivity and have privacy. A closed floor plan offers privacy for people who value their personal space. Also, a closed floor plan will prevent distraction to people who work from home or attend school online.

3.      More emphasis on energy-efficiency

Before the COVID – 19 pandemic, people spent less time at home. They had several activities that took them away from their houses. While away from home, most appliances are turned off, and the energy consumption lesser. But with the COVID 19 pandemic and the lockdown protocol, several people stay at home.

As a result, they constantly make use of electrical appliances, bulbs, and HVAC. These systems consume more energy than before because of the increased usage. And, with the harsh economic realities, people are looking for ways to cut down expenses. One easy way to achieve this will be by reducing the energy bills.

That is why newer home designs will adopt renewable energy sources and energy-efficient features. With these, you can reduce the energy usage in your home by up to 75%.

4.      Provision for extensive entertainment systems

People no longer leave homes to satisfy their entertainment needs. It would be best if they can meet these needs at home. Newer home designs will aim to fulfill these needs and keep people at home.

Houses will now have separate rooms for indoor sports, games, and movies. Also, the yards will have spaces for playgrounds and outdoor activities for children.

As part of making provision for entertainment systems at home, future home designs will consider spaces for hobbies and DIY projects. It will include creating intentional rooms for full-blown home workshops and elaborate gyms. All these will entertain people at home and reduce the need to leave home except when essential.

5.      An improvement in kitchen designs

Although current kitchens are beautiful, they will also require modifications. With the lockdown, people are now engaging in more home cooking and less eating outside. The kitchen is now becoming indispensable than before.

For that reason, the kitchen needs to occupy more space in the house. Family members will gather here to eat and discuss. Also, you need extensive storage for your food items. With the lockdown, it would be best to engage in fewer trips to the store.


Home designs are changing gradually because of COVID 19 pandemic. Since people are now spending more time at home, there is a need to make the house a more functional space for everyone.


Angelina Knezevic